Course Pack: Management and Implementation in Public and Non Profit Organizations (Brown University)
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Cases for Management and Implementation in Public and Non Profit Organizations (Brown University):
-Aadhaar: India’s Big Experiment with Unique Identification (A)
-Aadhaar: India’s Big Experiment with Unique Identification (B)
-Cracking the Monolith: California’s Child Welfare Services Disrupts Technology Procurement (A)
-Cracking the Monolith: California’s Child Welfare Services Disrupts Technology Procurement (B)
-The Boston Public Schools’ Student Assignment Process
-Miami-Dade County and Sea Rise
-Miami-Dade County and Sea Rise (Sequel)
-What Makes a Policy Intervention Successful? Glimpses of Experience in Brazil's Fundescola Education Reform
-What Makes a Policy Intervention Successful? Glimpses of Experience in Brazil's Fundescola Education Reform (Epilogue)
-Performance Management for Health in Washington State
-The Mosquito Network: Collaborative Entrepreneurship and the Fight to Eliminate Malaria Deaths (A)
-The Mosquito Network: Collaborative Entrepreneurship and the Fight to Eliminate Malaria Deaths (B)