Case #935.0

Fighting the Drug Trade in Link Valley

Publication Date: January 01, 1990
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When an apartment complex near a freeway interchange becomes a drug supermarket, frustrated Houston police confront the limits of traditional crime control methods. Specifically, they find that responding to a growing number of increasingly serious emergency calls does not address local conditions which make the area an inviting place for drug sales. When the fallout from drug activity reaches adjoining middle-class neighborhoods, police have the opportunity to supplement their own work with volunteer efforts--and to try out a radical new approach to prevent drug sales from occurring. Police roadblocks, combined with volunteer efforts to remove trash and force absentee owners to take responsibility for apartments, make for dramatic improvement.

Other Details

Case Author:
David Kennedy
Faculty Lead:
Mark Moore and Francis X. Hartmann
Pages (incl. exhibits):
United States
Funding Source:
Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management and the National Institute of Justice