This case tells the story of one of the most difficult situations which a non-profit organization's management can face: the withdrawal, by its donor, of what had appeared to be a major gift. At issue here is the Wildlife Conservation Society handling of a $3 million gift by the Everett Foundation to rebuild the Central Park Children's Zoo. Negotiation over terms, credit and timetable ultimately leads to a series of charges and counter-charges and the ultimate withdrawal of the gift.
Learning Objective:
The case examines the actions and statements of fundraising officers, board members and the donors themselves. The case does not fix blame for a debacle which attracted much attention in the New York tabloids. It does, however, seek to raise the factors which may have played a role and which could figure in similar situations in other philanthropic contexts. These factors may have included misunderstanding of donor intent; appropriate or inappropriate credit; obligations to previous donors; social and personal rivalries and a mismatch between the interests of the donor and those of the receiving organization.