Case #2056.0

Innovating by the Book: The Introduction of Innovation Teams in Memphis and New Orleans

Publication Date: January 29, 2016
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Can an innovation model be used to solve seemingly intractable problems consistently, reliably and effectively? In 2011, Bloomberg Philanthropies founder and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a $24 million initiative to fund innovation teams in five U.S. cities. The innovation team program was created to advance government innovation by increasing innovation capacity within municipal government—by helping mayors design and implement solutions to their most urgent problems. Bloomberg Philanthropies developed 4-prong Innovation Model that drew on cutting-edge innovation practices from the public and private sectors and selected five large cities to use the model to solve problems ranging from high murder rates to blighted neighborhoods. This case illustrates the use of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ innovation model in two of these cities—Memphis and New Orleans—allowing students to compare and contrast each city’s use and application of the model. Students will consider the challenge of creating sustainable capacity for problem-centric innovation.

Learning Objective:
Can an innovation model be used to solve seemingly intractable problems consistently, reliably and effectively? Students will consider the challenge of creating sustainable capacity for problem-centric innovation.

Other Details

Teaching Plan:
Available with Educator Access
Case Author:
Laura Winig
Faculty Lead:
Jorrit de Jong
Pages (incl. exhibits):
United States
Funding Source:
Joseph B. Tompkins, Jr. Fund for Case Study and Research