Case #1398.0

Low Emission Vehicles: the Pursuit of a Regional Program (A)

Publication Date: January 01, 1997
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This pair of cases tells the story of how a group of Northeastern states, U.S. carmakers, and the federal Environmental Protection Agency struggled over how to implement a landmark federal clean air mandate: the introduction of low and non-polluting automobiles. The cases are especially designed to highlight the workings of the U.S. federal system in dealing with this environmental challenge. The (A) case focuses on an unusual inter-state cooperative group known as the Ozone Transport Commission, a consortium of 13 northeastern states which faces two decisions. What sort of vehicle emission standards should it adopt, and should it hew to the idea of a single standard across state lines? The case highlights the internal politics of a group comprising states with varying priorities--and politics--further complicated by a car maker proposal to adopt a single, compromise standard nationwide, one which is not acceptable to all members of the Ozone Transport Commission. The (A) case leaves off as the Commission is in the midst of its deliberations. The (B) case focuses on the response of federal officials, who must decide whether to approve the states' plan.

Other Details

Case Author:
Esther Scott
Faculty Lead:
Arnold Howitt
Pages (incl. exhibits):
United States