Case #651.0

Marie Nicole Thompson

Publication Date: January 01, 1985
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Marie Nicole Thompson has recently joined the planning department in the small city of Southport. Although the new job is well-suited to Thompson's talents and she works well with her superiors in the department, she has encountered series problems being accepted by the rest of the staff. This disguised case deals with the difficulties of making the transition to a new job, such as dealing with the ghost of one's predecessor, and fitting in to a firmly established office infrastructure. It highlights how important these issues can be for a manager as he or she tries to focus on larger concerns, and how "small" human problems can virtually derail an organization, causing it to miss successes otherwise within its grasp.

Other Details

Case Author:
Salvano Briceno, Susan Broh, Alan Caron, Margaret Dalpe, and Dorothy Renaghan
Faculty Lead:
Walter Broadnax
Pages (incl. exhibits):
United States