Maryam and Sameer, brother and sister, were searching for an apartment in Hitech City, Hyderabad. Recent college graduates who were now starting jobs with high-profile technology firms, they wanted to lease an apartment together. The case details their challenge in negotiating with a potential landlord amid cultural and religious concerns. Maryam must address the landlord’s biases and concerns through a careful negotiation involving compromise, building personal relationships, and re-setting expectations.
Learning Objective:
This case is designed to facilitate a live, in-class discussion—either online (synchronous) or in person—about how to recognize opportunities to negotiate and prepare strategically for negotiations in ways that further the interests of all parties. Students will analyze potential negotiations and practice generating proposals that work for all parties involved. The article Self-Advocating in Early Career and the Strategic Preparation Workbook are related resources for students to apply concepts from the negotiating framework to their own career negotiations. This case is designed to support negotiations to advance early careers.