Mikhukhu People of South Africa: A Question of Survival
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This case focuses on an organization established to fight for the housing rights of people living in "informal settlements" in apartheid-era South Africa. In the wake of democratization, the group finds itself under increasing pressure from residents of townships, which it had represented to begin to offer a range of social services for residents in addition to housing advocacy. Its president, Mandla Ndlovu, must now decide whether and how to change the range of services, which the organization offers. This case was developed by the Public and Development Management Program of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Learning Objective:
This case is designed to place students in the role of this organization's consultant. In particular, the case offers an exercise asking the students to devise a strategy to ensure the organization's survival (create new administrative structure and mission statement, raise funding to ensure financial sustainability).
Other Details
- Teaching Plan:
- Available with Educator Access
- Case Author:
- Rams Ramashia
- Pages (incl. exhibits):
- 4
- Setting:
- Africa, South Africa
- Language:
- English