Case #381.0

Regional Housing in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area (A)

Publication Date: January 01, 1981
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In 1976 HUD created the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan, which provided financial incentives for local jurisdictions in developing regional plans for housing assistance. Aid thus went to a variety of housing alternatives throughout a metropolitan area instead of primarily for construction of projects within the central city. This case examines the evolution of Baltimore's AHOP. Part A briefly reviews federal involvement in regional housing plans, describes housing problems in the Baltimore area, and examines regional efforts to formulate solutions to assisted housing needs. Part B focuses on the implementation of the AHOP and the controversy it provoked among some members of the black community. The sequel briefly describes the local and federal response to the protest. This case illustrates the difficulties of planning across diverse political jurisdictions. The case may also be used to examine the influence of federal statutes and programs on local planning and the impact of politics in general on the planning process. Finally, the emergence of African-American opposition to the housing plan raises fundamental philosophical questions concerning the role of government in influencing settlement patterns.

Other Details

Case Author:
Esther Scottand and Taryn Vian
Faculty Lead:
Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.
Pages (incl. exhibits):
United States
Funding Source:
US Department of Housing and Urban Development