Case #1933.1

A Tale of Two Managers (Sequel)

Publication Date: September 09, 2010
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The case reviews experience of two different managers in top English soccer teams. Students must use the information provided to advise the boards of these teams about whether the two managers deserve to be sacked. Information in the first part of the case provides information about team performance (wins and losses), manager popularity, and such factors that influence perspectives on effectiveness. The second part of the case shows decisions about who was actually sacked which may surprise some. The two parts together allow for an interesting discussion about what organizational effectiveness is really about.

Learning Objective:
This sequel is a follow-up to a short case intended as a vehicle instructors can use to introduce cases to a management or leadership class, and to start a discussion about what organizational effectiveness looks like.

Other Details

Teaching Plan:
Available with Educator Access
Case Author:
Matthew Andrews
Faculty Lead:
Matthew Andrews
Pages (incl. exhibits):