Case #1541.1

"No Prison in East L.A.!": Birth of a Grassroots Movement (Sequel)

Publication Date: January 03, 2000
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This advocacy strategy case describes the special challenges faced and techniques employed by a poor, minority (Mexican-American) neighborhood group seeking to draw public attention to its concern about the proposed siting of a state prison facility on its borders. The Mothers of East LA employ a variety of attention-getting publicity techniques to apparent great effect. It's not clear, however, whether it is public attention, political coalition-building or, ultimately, budget constraints at the state level, which pave the way for their victory.

Learning Objective:
This case provides the basis for discussion of advocacy techniques, community organizing strategies and the position of non-affluent interest groups.

Other Details

Case Author:
Pamela Varley
Faculty Lead:
Anna Greenberg
Pages (incl. exhibits):
United States