
By emphasizing discussion of real-world examples, the case method is an ideal solution for training public leaders. The cases in our “Government” categories focus in particular on the workings and interactions of government agencies and entities at the local, national, and international level.

  • Classic Case - Hunger in America: 1965-1969 (A Chronology of Events)

    Hunger in America: 1965-1969 (A Chronology of Events)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1976

    In 1967 Senators Robert Kennedy and Joseph Clark focused national attention on hunger in America with their unscheduled and widely publicized tour of black homes in the Mississippi Delta. This case examines existing federal efforts -- as of...

  • Classic Case - Hunger in America: 1965-1969

    Hunger in America: 1965-1969


    Publication Date: January 01, 1975

    In 1967 Senators Robert Kennedy and Joseph Clark focused national attention on hunger in America with their unscheduled and widely publicized tour of black homes in the Mississippi Delta. This case examines existing federal efforts -- as of...

  • Classic Case - John Marttila and Campaign Management

    John Marttila and Campaign Management


    Publication Date: January 01, 1975

    In 1972, John Marttila, a Boston-based professional campaign consultant, was asked to manage Delaware Democrat Joe Biden's race for a U.S. Senate seat. Biden's campaign was floundering and low on funds. This case recounts the strategies and...

  • Classic Case - John Marttila and Campaign Management (Sequel)

    John Marttila and Campaign Management (Sequel)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1975

    In 1972, John Marttila, a Boston-based professional campaign consultant, was asked to manage Delaware Democrat Joe Biden's race for a U.S. Senate seat. Biden's campaign was floundering and low on funds. This case recounts the strategies and...

  • Teaching Case - Congressman Aspin and Defense Budget Cuts (Sequel)

    Congressman Aspin and Defense Budget Cuts (Sequel)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1975

    This case studies the efforts of Les Aspin, freshman congressman from Wisconsin, to cut defense spending. It opens with a brief outline of the problems inherent in any challenge to the defense budget, and then explores Aspin's options in...

  • Teaching Case - Congressman Aspin and Defense Budget Cuts

    Congressman Aspin and Defense Budget Cuts


    Publication Date: January 01, 1975

    This case studies the efforts of Les Aspin, freshman congressman from Wisconsin, to cut defense spending. It opens with a brief outline of the problems inherent in any challenge to the defense budget, and then explores Aspin's options in...