Environment, Energy, and Agriculture

While the cases in this section often consider local matters like land ownership, disaster recovery, or infrastructure development, the decisions made are influenced by or have important implications for issues of global concern. From climate change to sustainable energy, public health to pollution control, the scenarios presented by these cases ask students to explore the intersections of economics, government, science, and management.

  • Teaching Case - United States Sugar Program

    United States Sugar Program


    Publication Date: January 01, 1992

    US price supports for domestically grown sugar become controversial because of their varying impacts on sugar-exporting nations, domestic sugar refiners and, of course, domestic growers.Learning Objective:This case, told from the point of view...

  • Teaching Case - Groundwater Regulation in Arizona

    Groundwater Regulation in Arizona


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, increasing demands for water threatened to lead to a crisis in Arizona. The growth of the desert state's cities posed a conflict with its agricultural and mining interests. Its main source of water--groundwater...

  • Teaching Case - Solving Seattle's Solid Waste Crisis (Sequel)

    Solving Seattle's Solid Waste Crisis (Sequel)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    The closing of two landfill sites creates a municipal crisis in Seattle, forced to find new disposal options for the 2,000 tons of garbage it produces each day. Political concerns over what appears to be the most practical disposal...

  • Teaching Case - Solving Seattle's Solid Waste Crisis

    Solving Seattle's Solid Waste Crisis


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    The closing of two landfill sites creates a municipal crisis in Seattle, forced to find new disposal options for the 2,000 tons of garbage it produces each day. Political concerns over what appears to be the most practical disposal...

  • Teaching Case - Reagan Administration and the Soviet Pipeline Embargo

    Reagan Administration and the Soviet Pipeline Embargo


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    The Reagan administration decision to impose economic sanctions designed to halt construction of a Soviet gas pipeline built to supply Western Europe led, starting in late 1981, to a serious split among the NATO allies. The administration's...

  • Teaching Case - Trash Collection in Lone Pine: To Privatize or Not?

    Trash Collection in Lone Pine: To Privatize or Not?


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    This hypothetical case is a paradigm of the privatization decision facing many jurisdictions as they struggle with budget pressures. It tells the story of the town manager of a small Texas municipality who has reason to believe that, if she were...

  • Classic Case - Who Should Pay for San Onofre Nuclear Power Plants?

    Who Should Pay for San Onofre Nuclear Power Plants?


    Publication Date: January 01, 1988

    This case, drawn from proceedings of the California Public Utilities Commission, examines the financial implications for a utility of heightened scrutiny of a nuclear power plant project. The CPUC was due to begin hearings in December 1985 on a...

  • Teaching Case - Managing Environmental Risk: The Case of Asarco (Sequel)

    Managing Environmental Risk: The Case of Asarco (Sequel)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1988

    In July 1983, EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus issued proposed regulations to control arsenic emissions from copper smelting and glass manufacturing plants. At the same time, he announced that EPA would involve residents of the Tacoma,...