Environment, Energy, and Agriculture

While the cases in this section often consider local matters like land ownership, disaster recovery, or infrastructure development, the decisions made are influenced by or have important implications for issues of global concern. From climate change to sustainable energy, public health to pollution control, the scenarios presented by these cases ask students to explore the intersections of economics, government, science, and management.

  • Teaching Case - Environmental Protection Agency: Ruckelshaus Returns

    Environmental Protection Agency: Ruckelshaus Returns


    Publication Date: January 01, 1985

    This case summarizes the plethora of problems William Ruckelshaus faced when he returned to EPA in 1983 after the controversial Gorsuch years. Budget, personnel, organizational and program-related issues are outlined as well as assessments by...

  • Classic Case - Note on the EPA Under Administrator Anne Gorsuch

    Note on the EPA Under Administrator Anne Gorsuch


    Publication Date: January 01, 1984

    In February 1981, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan nominated Anne Gorsuch to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her charter was to bring the Reagan Revolution to environmental policymaking. To the career...

  • Classic Case - Surviving at the EPA:  Bill Hedeman

    Surviving at the EPA: Bill Hedeman


    Publication Date: January 01, 1984

    In February 1981, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan nominated Anne Gorsuch to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her charter was to bring the Reagan Revolution to environmental policymaking. To the career...

  • Classic Case - Surviving at the EPA:  David Tundermann

    Surviving at the EPA: David Tundermann


    Publication Date: January 01, 1984

    In February 1981, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan nominated Anne Gorsuch to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her charter was to bring the Reagan Revolution to environmental policymaking. To the career...

  • Classic Case - Surviving at the EPA:  Gary Dietrich

    Surviving at the EPA: Gary Dietrich


    Publication Date: January 01, 1984

    In February 1981, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan nominated Anne Gorsuch to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her charter was to bring the Reagan Revolution to environmental policymaking. To the career...

  • Classic Case - Surviving at the EPA:  Mike Cook

    Surviving at the EPA: Mike Cook


    Publication Date: January 01, 1984

    In February 1981, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan nominated Anne Gorsuch to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her charter was to bring the Reagan Revolution to environmental policymaking. To the career...

  • Classic Case - Surviving at the EPA:  Mike Walsh

    Surviving at the EPA: Mike Walsh


    Publication Date: January 01, 1984

    In February 1981, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan nominated Anne Gorsuch to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her charter was to bring the Reagan Revolution to environmental policymaking. To the career...

  • Classic Case - Savitz and the DOE (Abridged)

    Savitz and the DOE (Abridged)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1983

    When Joseph Tribble, a political appointee, assumed his position as an Assistant Secretary at the Department of Energy, he soon found himself in conflict with his Deputy Assistant Secretary, Maxine Savitz. A highly respected career civil servant...

  • Classic Case - Savitz and the DOE (Sequel)

    Savitz and the DOE (Sequel)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1983

    When Joseph Tribble, a political appointee, assumed his position as an Assistant Secretary at the Department of Energy, he soon found himself in conflict with his Deputy Assistant Secretary, Maxine Savitz. A highly respected career civil servant...