Course Pack: Foreign Policy Analysis (Steven Lamy/USC)
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Course: Foreign Policy Analysis
Steven Lamy, Professor of International Relations and Spatial Sciences
University of Southern California
Course Pack:
1019.0 Keeping the Cold War Cold: Dick Cheney at the DOD.
1264.0 The Gulf Crisis: Building a Coalition for War.
1356.0 Getting to Dayton: Negotiating an End to the War in Bosnia.
1546.0 Politics of a Covert Action: The US, the Mujahideen, and the Stinger Missile
1585.0 Testing the Reach of International Law: the Effort to Extradite General Augusto Pinochet to Spain
1613.0 Debt Relief for Poor Nations: The Battle for Congress.
1613.1 Debt Relief for Poor Nations: The Battle for Congress (Epilogue)
1662.0 Credible Warnings or False Alarms? What the U.S. knew on September 10, 2001.
1778.0 Smarter Foreign Aid? USAID’s Global Development Alliance
1834.3 The Accidental Statesman: General Petraeus and the City of Mosul, Iraq (Abridged)
1834.1 The Accidental Statesman: Epilogue
1853.0 Defining Torture in the War on Terror (A)
1854.0 Defining Torture in the War on Terror (B)
1854.1 Defining Torture in the war on Terror. Sequel
1905.0 Blessed are the Peacemakers: Senator Danforth as a Special Envoy to the Sudan
2018.0 Hero or Traitor? Edward Snowden and the NSA Spying Program
2018.1 Hero or Traitor? Edward Snowden and the NSA Spying Program (Sequel)
2045.0 Setting the Standard for Free Trade: The Making of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
2118.0 Negotiating Toward the Paris Accords
2130.0 New Peril, Old Adversary: George W. Bush, 9/11, & Iraq (A) The United States & Iraq, 1980 to 2002
2131.0 New Peril, Old Adversary: George W. Bush, 9/11, & Iraq (B) The Road to War, September 2002 to March 2003
2139.0 Fallen Idol? Aung San Su Kyi and the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis