
The teaching cases in this section provide an overview of the issues involved in transportation policy and planning, as well as an introduction to the skills necessary for solving the various analytic and managerial problems that are peculiar to this area.  

  • Teaching Case - Crossrail (A): The Business Case (Abridged)

    Crossrail (A): The Business Case (Abridged)


    Publication Date: December 19, 2008

    In 2008 Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a funding package for Crossrail, an ambitious project designed to relieve overcrowding on London's underground and railroad services by building a 21 kilometer (13 mile) tunnel under Central London...

  • Teaching Case - Crossrail (B): The Politics of Approval

    Crossrail (B): The Politics of Approval


    Publication Date: December 19, 2008

    In 2008 Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a funding package for Crossrail, an ambitious project designed to relieve overcrowding on London's underground and railroad services by building a 21 kilometer (13 mile) tunnel under Central London...

  • Teaching Case - Crossrail (A): The Business Case (Sequel)

    Crossrail (A): The Business Case (Sequel)


    Publication Date: December 19, 2008

    In 2008 Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a funding package for Crossrail, an ambitious project designed to relieve overcrowding on London's underground and railroad services by building a 21 kilometer (13 mile) tunnel under Central London...

  • Teaching Case - Crossrail (A): The Business Case

    Crossrail (A): The Business Case


    Publication Date: December 19, 2008

    In 2008 Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a funding package for Crossrail, an ambitious project designed to relieve overcrowding on London's underground and railroad services by building a 21 kilometer (13 mile) tunnel under Central London...

  • Teaching Case - Parking in San Francisco

    Parking in San Francisco


    Publication Date: August 31, 2007

    In 2006 planners in the City and County of San Francisco were promoting an overhaul of the city's parking policy that they claimed would correct unfair and unwise subsidies for automobile users.  The effort was designed to allow market...

  • Teaching Case - Leasing the Pennsylvania Turnpike

    Leasing the Pennsylvania Turnpike


    Publication Date: August 31, 2007

    In June 2007, the governor of Pennsylvania was negotiating with the states legislative leaders about his proposal to lease the Pennsylvania Turnpike to private investors. Leasing public highways to private companies was unheard of in the United...

  • Teaching Case - The Boeing Tanker Lease Deal (B)

    The Boeing Tanker Lease Deal (B)


    Publication Date: August 09, 2006

    In May 2003, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved an agreement allowing the Air Force to lease 100 converted Boeing 767 aircraft as aerial refueling tankers. The deal's critics, most prominently Senator John McCain, argued that no, the...

  • Teaching Case - The Boeing Tanker Lease Deal (A)

    The Boeing Tanker Lease Deal (A)


    Publication Date: August 09, 2006

    The September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States precipitated US military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, increasing demand for certain military assets. Domestically, the attacks crippled an already struggling airline industry, hurting...

  • Teaching Case - Too Many Parents? Making a Conservancy Work (B)

    Too Many Parents? Making a Conservancy Work (B)


    Publication Date: June 05, 2006

    In April 2005, Nancy Brennan took over as director of the newly-created Rose F. Kennedy Greenway Conservancy in Boston. This case examines the challenges which faced her and the 10-person Conservancy board. The body, charged with raising money...