
The case method can be a powerful tool to teach economic concepts and frameworks. Topics in this section cover a wide range of real-life examples from around the world on a host of issues including infrastructure, trade, taxation, regulation and development.

  • Classic Case - Implementing Income Tax Reform in Democratic Spain (B)

    Implementing Income Tax Reform in Democratic Spain (B)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1993

    This case examines the challenge of implementing a major change in public policy in Spain in the post-Franco period, namely the shift from a tax system in which tax liabilities were inferred from objective, non-monetary indicators to one that...

  • Classic Case - Implementing Income Tax Reform in Democratic Spain (A)

    Implementing Income Tax Reform in Democratic Spain (A)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1993

    This case examines the challenge of implementing a major change in public policy in Spain in the post-Franco period, namely the shift from a tax system in which tax liabilities were inferred from objective, non-monetary indicators to one that...

  • Teaching Case - Post Office Square Park (Sequel)

    Post Office Square Park (Sequel)


    Publication Date: January 1, 1993

    City parks are traditionally viewed by economists as public goods-assets whose benefits are so widely shared that only government has both the means and the motive to finance them. This case tells the story of what might seem to be a...

  • Teaching Case - Post Office Square Park

    Post Office Square Park


    Publication Date: January 1, 1993

    City parks are traditionally viewed by economists as public goods-assets whose benefits are so widely shared that only government has both the means and the motive to finance them. This case tells the story of what might seem to be a...

  • Teaching Case - The (Julia?) Child's Guide to "e"

    The (Julia?) Child's Guide to "e"


    Publication Date: January 01, 1992

    This is a short explanation of how capital investment analyses can be simplified using continuous discounting and the exponential function "e." Cookbook formulas for diverse cost and benefit time patterns are provided.

  • Teaching Case - United States Sugar Program

    United States Sugar Program


    Publication Date: January 01, 1992

    US price supports for domestically grown sugar become controversial because of their varying impacts on sugar-exporting nations, domestic sugar refiners and, of course, domestic growers.Learning Objective:This case, told from the point of view...

  • Teaching Case - Scaling Down the Bureaucracy

    Scaling Down the Bureaucracy


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    The problem of excessively large public bureaucracies, in relationship to the size of the overall economy, plagues many developing countries. The Pacific Basin nation of Gapura--a disguised composite of similar emerging nations in that...

  • Teaching Case - Sunshine and Shadow: The CIA and the Soviet Economy

    Sunshine and Shadow: The CIA and the Soviet Economy


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    After nearly 40 years of steady, rigorous, remarkably open, and respected analysis of the Soviet economy, the CIA stood accused in the early 1990s of having gotten the answer badly wrong: so much so that Daniel Patrick Moynihan had called for...

  • Teaching Case - Privatizing the Albany County Airport (Epilogue)

    Privatizing the Albany County Airport (Epilogue)


    Publication Date: January 01, 1991

    An antiquated airport jeopardizes a region's economic health but the county of Albany, New York, operator of the airport, lacks funds to undertake much-needed capital improvements. In this context, the county executive seriously examines...